Holly's Pumping Story

Our story this week comes from Holly. It’s a tough story, but it is an encouraging one, as Holly is a true and dedicated mother.

It’s not always easy being vulnerable but I want to share my breastfeeding story in hopes of encouragement for any mother who may face long periods of separation from their baby, to not give up.  As dreadful as “pumping” can be it’s a way to establish and keep up your milk supply when you are not able to nurse your baby. 

Pumping Milk+Honey Jewelry

After giving birth to my son, I exclusively nursed him for three months never spending hardly any time apart from him. My breastfeeding journey as I knew it came to a halt, when I ended up facing a very unexpected and heartbreaking custody battle. For almost the entire first year of my sons life I had to go long dreadful periods without seeing him where to my dismay he wasn’t given my expressed breastmilk, his father only allowed him formula. The only way I could keep up my supply to nurse and bond with my baby was to pump vigorously while he was away storing what was reasonable and donating the rest. It was and continues to be a very demanding job to pump around the clock, but it’s 100% worth it.

My breastmilk has kept me connected to my son despite our unwanted separation. I’m forever grateful to be able to exclusively nurse him during our time together even now. 

Milk + Honey’s jewelry will be such a heartfelt keepsake in memory of a hard time that only made me and my son’s bond stronger through breastfeeding. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. 



Pumping Milk+Honey Jewelry

What do you think about Holly story? We think she faced some impossible circumstances and did an amazing job meeting her son’s need the best way she could. Thanks for sharing Holly!

Would you like to share your breastfeeding story our blog? Submit it here!


Courtney's Breastfeeding Journey


A Breastfeeding Story from an Oversupplier