A letter from the owners

Friends and followers,

As always, we’re overwhelmed with your support of our business for another year! Your orders and support are so appreciated. We were able to add two additional team members to our growing team this year—we’re now up to EIGHT WOMEN!! Can you believe it? We started as a little breastmilk jewelry business that made jewelry in the extra bedroom in 2018. In a little over 6.5 years, we’ve grown so much as a business, as businesswomen, as artists, as mothers, and as friends.

This year wasn’t without its hardships, though! I’m sure you’ve noticed that your groceries have increased in price to a staggering amount (I know I have!). Well, in the jewelry world, the equivalent of that is GOLD. When we started this company on April 20, 2018, the price of gold that day was about $1,336 an ounce. Today (December 17, 2024), it’s $2,660 per ounce. Literally almost a 100% increase! In 2024 alone, the price of gold has increased over 31%. We’ve hesitated for a long time to increase our own prices on solid gold items enough to reflect the increase of the market value. After all, having products that are affordable is important to us! Nothing is changing for our gold fill and sterling silver items. However, things changed on the solid gold (14K) front when…

…We started testing a new jeweler for our heirloom collection. We wanted to work with someone who was going to give us the absolute highest quality craftsmanship, an opportunity to grow our collection to include more diverse, heavy solid gold pieces that were designed to last for a lifetime, AND on par with the quality you’d find in the finest of fine jewelry shops. And guess what? We found him.

Mark Farrell is renowned for his craft, his company is made up of top-tier jewelers, and the pieces we’ve been getting from them are absolutely stunning. Go check them out HERE.

It has always been very important to us that we set ourselves apart as a keepsake jewelry business by providing unique and beautiful pieces that are hand-crafted by real people in the USA, whose families depends on their artistry. I’m proud to say that we’ve been able to do that since the beginning. But over time, as we learn and as we grow, we’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to work with more and more of the finest metal craftsmen (and women!) out there. This year alone, we hired two new incredible metalsmiths who craft a lot of your silver and gold fill jewelry, and now we’re working with the cream of the crop for our fine jewelry collection as well.

We could very easily hop on a jewelry warehouse site in China and buy a billion crappy rings that look a lot like ours (on the surface). Instead, we employ two rockstar metalsmiths and work with an incredible jeweler to cast every unique single piece, custom ordered for every single unique customer.

In addition to getting a superior hand crafted product, you’re not supporting a massive warehouse overseas. You’re supporting our employees—women and their families in Maryland and Pennsylvania. Your order supports our entire team of eight women, our 16 kids, our 6,204,099 pets (only a slight exaggeration), and now the awesome team at BCC. Your order supports small businesses and the economy in the USA! And as always, a percentage of every single order goes directly to our Grieving Mother’s Program, which regularly donates jewelry to mothers who are grieving their babies.

Therefore, beginning in 2025, we’ll be adjusting our 14K jewelry prices to better reflect the gold and metal market as well as the superior quality that we’re so thrilled to be offering for our fine jewelry items. We’re completing testing our new jeweler now, so any heirloom pieces or 14K jewelry ordered through the end of 2024 will be made by our new caster, at our current prices. You lucky ducks. Beginning in 2025, our prices for all 14K pieces will increase.

We offer Afterpay at checkout to split your total into four monthly payments. Keep an eye on our collection in 2025—we’re planning to add heirloom pieces and other jewelry in all price ranges. Click HERE to get on our email list so you won’t miss a thing.

Without you, your support, your orders, your reviews, your engagement on social media, and your word-of-mouth recommendations to family and friends, we truly wouldn’t be where we are today. We’re proud of what we’ve built, and we will continue to give you the very best jewelry, experience, and customer service that we possibly can.


Maria and Meghan (and the entire milk + honey team!)


Lori’s Story of Breastfeeding through PPD and PTSD after a Traumatic Birth


How Nikki Persevered and Overcame Obstacles